See also

Delete a client

Create a client

Note: If you use Sage Practice Solution and have client integration enabled, clients created in Sage Taxation will automatically be available in Sage Practice Solution. For more information see Connecting with Sage Practice Solution.

This procedure illustrates how to create a partnership in Control Centre. Other client types are similar.

  1. From the File menu, choose New Client. The New Client Wizard appears.
  2. Select Partnership as the Client Type.
  3. Select the tax products to use with the client. Select both Partnership Tax and Business Tax, if you're licensed to use them. Click Next.
  4. In this example we are creating a partnership, so the New Partnership Wizard appears. Click Next.
  5. Enter the Trading Name, Correspondence Name, and Report Name. Click Next.
  6. Enter the contact details and UTR for the partnership. Click Next.
  7. Click Add to start adding partners to the partnership. The Client Lookup window appears.

    • To add a partner that already exists in Sage Taxation, choose the client from the list then click Select.
    • To create a partner, click New on the Client Lookup window and work through the New Client Wizard. When the wizard completes, your new client will be available in the Client Lookup list. Choose the client from the list then click Select.

    Once you've added all the partners, click Close on the Client Lookup window to return to the New Partnership Wizard then click Next.

  8. Enter the reference codes you want to use for the client. Read more

    • The client code is automatically generated from the first three letters of the client name followed by 100 - or the next available number (for example, if BIG100 already exists, then the client code will default to BIG101). You may want to change this code to tie in with an existing scheme in your practice.
    • The Billing code is the code of the client to whom any work will be charged. If charges will be billed to the client you are currently creating, then you should set this code to Default; which will set it to the same as the client code. However, if all work is to be billed to another client, then you can select that client's code here. Click on the magnifying glass button to see a list of clients within this dataset that you can choose as the billing client.

    You may also record which staff member introduced the client to the business.

    Click Next.

  9. Enter the start date of the business. This is necessary to determine the basis period rules. In cases where you do not know the date of commencement (it may have been many years ago), we recommend that you select an agreed ‘practice date’ that staff working on the case will recognise.

    You can enter tax data for a year other than the current tax year. Change the tax year using the up and down arrows next to the box. If you make no changes, the system will default to the current tax year for entry of tax details. Click Next.

  10. Optional: Assign staff members to the client by clicking on the magnifying glass button. This page is only displayed if you chose to set the client up for a tax product at the beginning of this wizard. Click Next.
  11. Optional: Apply levels of security to your client. Read more

    If you apply a password to the client, you will need to enter the password in order to enter any tax programs for this client, and in order to view the Main Details for the client.

    You can also exclude clients from reports. This is especially useful when the business or individual is part of your own practice.

    Note: The administrator password can be used to override these security passwords.

    Click Next.

  12. The final page of the New Partnership Wizard shows a summary of the details you have entered for this client. Click Back to change any of your previous choices or Next to continue.
  13. Partnerships must have an accounting period set up in order to open the client in Business Tax.

    You can choose to create an accounting period now, by leaving the option Enter an accounting period for this client now selected and clicking Continue.

    Clicking Finish will create the client, and the client and any new linked individuals will appear in the client list.

In Help > Contents, look for: Users and Clients > Creating a New Client, then read the topics in the books beginning with 'Add New'.